Fungsi :
Penghilang beberapa kata dalam sebuah kalimat agar mendapatkan kalimat yang simple dan pendek.
Kinds of elliptic structure :
a. Both.....and = Keduanya.....dan
Digunakan untuk menggabungkan 2 struktur paralel (Two nouns, Adj, Adverb,
Gerunds, to infinitive) dalam susunan gramatical yang sama.
Contoh :
1. Anita is interested in English
Anita is interested in Match
=> Anita is interested both English and Match.
Catatan : Both terletak dibelakang karena subjek sama.
2. Joy Allegra is member of political party
Allona Brita is member of political party
=> Both Joy Allegra and Allona Brita are member of political party.
Catatan : Both terletak didepan karena subjek berbeda.
b. And.....either..... = tidak juga
Kedua bentuk tersebut memiliki arti yang sama, tetapi "either" digunakan setelah
Aux Verb dan "neither" digunakan sebelum Aux Verb.
Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat negatif yang memiliki predikat yang
sama tapi subjeknya berbeda.
Rumus :
S + P + O + And ___ S + Aux (negatif) + Either
S + P + O + And ___ Neither + Aux + S
Contoh :
1. Farrah didn't like Match
Kenna didn't like Match
=> Farrah didn't like Match and Kenna didn't either.
Farrah didn't like Match and neither did Kenna.
2. Mr. William didn't celebrate the wedding party at the Star Hotel
Mr. Robert didn't celebrate the wedding party at the Star Hotel
=> Mr. William didn't celebrate the wedding party at the Star Hotel and Mr. Robert
didn't either.
Mr. William didn't celebrate the wedding party at the Star Hotel and neither
did Mr. Robert.
c. Not only.....but also = Tidak / bukan hanya tetapi juga
Digunakan untuk menggabungkan 2 kalimat paralel (Two nouns, Adj, Adverb,
Gerunds, to infinitive) dalam susunan struktur kalimat yang sama.
Rumus :
Noun Noun
Not only + Gerund + But also + Gerund + P + O
To-Inf To-Inf
Contoh :
Not only her parent but also her brother always gifs her money every month.